Life Study of 1 Corinthians - God's a Farmer
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Have you ever considered that to God the believers are likea farm? That is exactly what 1Corinthians 3:9 says though: You are God’s farm, God’s building. My father grew up on a 180-acre farm inPennsylvania. Whenever I was at my grandparent’s farm, I enjoyed walking alongthe wheat, corn, and oat fields. Theywere a patchwork of different colors spreading to the horizon. From morning to night everything revolvesaround where the crops are in their stages of development and what they need toensure their full growth. So Iespecially enjoyed how Message 22 gives a connection between farms and God’speople. First Witness Lee points outthat the church presented in 1 Corinthians is not one of organization, butobviously one of life. Here’s an excerpt that I liked that explained that:We become members of the church not by the way of joining asocial organization, but by being planted…It is a very significant matter to bea plant on God’s farm. There is no needon the farm for a teacher to instruct the plants. A plant does not need anyone to tell it whatto do or how to grow (Life Study of 1 Corinthians, Page 197).
Water is definitely a major concern on a farm. And one of the important points in this message is how as fellowplants on the farm, we are not only growing on God’s farm, but also helping towater our fellow brothers and sisters so that they can also grow. As Paul makes clear here, eventually what we grow on this farm is what we build with.
Other blogs on the Life Study of 1 Corinthians:What Can Solve All the Problems Among the Believers?
What is the Best Illustration of the Believer's Fellowship?God's a FarmerLast year I started re-reading the Life Studies of the New Testament. If you click on the Life Study tab, you can find other titles that may interest you.
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